Benefits of Joining IEM
- Gain recognition for engineering experience and professional accomplishments.
- Get assessed on proficiency to qualify for registration as a Professional Engineer.
- Access to a wide network of fellow engineers in the private and public sectors in Malaysia as well as regional and international engineering bodies.
- Advance professional development by attending regurlarly organised in-house talks, external conference and site visits.
- Keep abreast with engineering development via readership of IEM Journals and Bulletins.
- Formal recognition of your profession.
- Provides an avenue for networking with other engineers outside your company and also an opportunity to meet industry leaders.
- Corporate members of IEM are accepted for registration as a professional engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia.
- Provide participation in continuing education through seminars, workshops, conferences, talks, forums, courses, etc.
- A strong secretariat to support needs of members and provide guidance.
- Receive monthly and quarterly publications.
- Access to a well equipped library.
- Linked to the internet and access to the information superhighway, via internet.
- Establish relationship with other professional bodies concerning matters of mutual interest.
- Opportunity to be sponsored by IEM to present papers in national and/or international conferences.